About Us
Wild Mountain Ash is the product of an epiphany.
Our essential body products were conceived and created by Ashley Furman, Pharm. D., who has always had a need for gentle and natural lotions and skin products due do extremely sensitive skin. She was tired of always having to refuse the feminine and refreshing scents of perfumes and lotions, so she set to work concocting her own products using natural bases and essential oils.
Initially Ashley used the product line herself, but she realized there had to be many women out there in the same position and began creating her lotions and oils in larger quantity. They flew off of the shelves at her drug store, Boone Drug, and she began experimenting with multiple scents and products.
That is where the story leaves us now.... with two amazing scent lines and more to come. Please feel free to ask any questions via our contact page. Our products can be purchased locally in Boone, NC at Boone Drug on King St